
Monday, 5 December 2011

Regular past simple pronunciation rules

The regular past simple ending (-ed) can be pronounced in 3 different ways:
1.      –ed is pronounced /t/ after verbs ending in these unvoiced sounds:
/k/, /p/, /f/, /s/, /S/, /T/ and /tS/
Examples: booked, hoped, laughed, passed, washed, watched.
2.      After voiced verb endings –ed is pronounced /d/
These sounds are all vowels and /b/, /g/, /v/, /z/, /Z/, /dZ/, /D/, /l/, /m/, /n/
Examples: dubbed, begged, loved, realised, measured, changed, travelled, slammed, signed
3.      After verbs ending in /d/ or /t/ the pronunciation of –ed is /id/
Exported, flooded, ended, hunted, rented, shouted.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Regular past simple verbs pronunciation

Watch this video about the pronunciation of regular past simple verbs.
Watch another video clicking on this link.

Irregular Past Simple Pronunciation

Watch these videos to revise the irregular past simple: